If someone asks me what was the most successful approach in my healing process from Graves’ Disease or how to cure hyperthyroidism naturally in 2 words- I would definitely say “voluntarily simplicity”. That was the single one thing that had the most impact in curing my Graves’ Disease. Well, of course there were other alternative methods involved like diet, supplements, herbs, yoga, aromatherapy, etc. – but that simplicity played the biggest role ever.. How, you may ask?
Simplicity is not about misery, or frugality, or being trifty. It’s about discovering the important between many unimportant things.
Back in 2003 I gave up a lot of things that weren’t “so necessary”, including, but not limited to the material stuff. That also means that I accepted to live with a smaller income- and much less stress. That was the key for my healing, and living without stress and no alarm clock has no price tag, ever.
I also meant getting out of debt, and that’s possible too. I’ve lived years with and without debt, I can appreciate the difference. Today, if I can’t afford to buy something right there, I don’t buy it. That gives me a huge peace of mind.
Simplicity is applied in all aspects of our lives, not just part of it. The simpler, the better, that’s my motto. I am not saying that you should live ascetic life, or in poverty, neither did I. It’s a voluntary lifestyle choice. I am mostly talking about reducing possessions that we don’t need, being stuck in the wanting mode, the never satisfied hunger for material things, the wow- entertainment, the mindless action, increasing the quality of life versus quantity of activities, it’s about learning to slow down and smell the roses.
It’s also about simple diet, simple life. When I look at a cook book and see these “page long recipes”, I just close the book. It will take me days to gather all the ingredients, not to mention the hours spent in the kitchen. I try to eat simple things, and I did not died of hunger last 9 years. A boiled egg, a sliced tomato with salt, a piece of homemade bread with butter. Finally, “we are what we eat”.
It’s also about sorting out your life- what is important and what is not, re-arranging your priorities, saying “no” many times, to many things and to many people. The more I say “no”, the more I see how many more “no’s” I should’ve said.
I forget multitasking. If you are doing two or more things at once, you’re not doing either of them. Or you are just poorly doing them with a lot of frustration and stress as well. I know, too many things to do, no time at all. That’s the moment when you drop things out of your “to do list”. This is crucial for healing Graves’ disease. Try to juggle 5 balls, now try 2 balls..what’s easier?
It means also de-cluttering. Throwing away. Discovering “enough” for you. Valuing “the ordinary”. Going to a few places in one day, rather than more. Watching less, so you can see more. Carrying less, so you can climb more. Talking less, so you can hear more. Assuming less, so you can succeed more. Competing less, so you can excel more. Paying attention.
There is no “one way to do simple living right”. Simplicity has many faces, these are just some of them. You find yours and stick with it. Or experiment. And if you think that this has nothing to do with your intend to cure hyperthyroidism naturally, you are wrong. Think again and try.
Bon Voyage.